14 August, 2008

1 week

So beginning to realize that summer will end once again/I am actually leaving/I'm going to China in 1 week.  Don't really know if I'm actually ready, but I guess I'm getting bored anyway.

As one would expect, I have procrastinated quite a bit in getting anything done for this excursion.  I officially just sent in my information for health insurance (apparently quite impt and actually required by the chinese govt?).  It was actually due July 18...but I guess I get an exception...

Off to the middle country officially on August 21 and landing there August 22 (the whole intnat'l. dateline thing scares me).  Anyway, welcome to my blog where you'll be able to view some of my adventures/thoughts and such about my at least one year living East.


John said...

aren't you living WEST?

John said...

i also really like the design of this thing... well done! if you did it, that is.

ntsourmas said...

west? seriously, mish...how did you graduate college?

John said...

YES i did. you're acting like you can only get to china going east, haha. just saying i thought it was closer to go west.

dchunduru said...

moaaaan this is exactly what i needed. i can't wait to become that obnoxious overzealous commenter.

ntsourmas said...

psh, better than being a TEACHER! ooooooh

oh wait...

and mish - don't they call it the far east for a reason? and the orient....i travel west to GET east i guess you're right...